Physical Therapy
Aim Home Health’s Physical Therapy program starts with a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s health. We evaluate factors in your health that will affect the plan of care we will be creating exclusively for you. The assessment will cover:
- Transfer training
- Edema
- Range of Motion
- Gross motor coordination
- Balance
- Sensation
- Pain
- Functional mobility
- Strength
Once determined, we will then provide you with a tailor-fit rehabilitative treatment. Our physical therapists provide the following services right in your own home:
- Assess patients’ needs for assistive devices and provide training in the use of such assistive devices
- Provide specialized individual care
- Educate patients and caregivers about the Physical Therapy plan
- Work on treatment of incontinence
- Pain Management
- Energy Conservation Techniques
- Develop home exercise programs
- Fall Risk Reduction
To request for physical therapy services, please call 630-946-6693. Aim Home Health has staff on stand-by to address your inquiries about home health services.